independent school for the city


The Independent School for the City is a school in, of, and for the city. It builds on the conviction that strategies for the city - architectural and economic, spatial and social - should be based on real, first hand, empirical research. The Independent School for the City offers a variety of post-graduate educational programmes ranging from shorter one-day workshops and masterclasses, one or two-week studio's to an intensive 3 month programme on contemporary Urbanism. Below we'll give you and overview of our upcoming activities.

A hands-on studio exploring strategies for radical greening our cities by creating a micro forrest, with Peter Veenstra and Ronald Buiting. Taking place between 14 - 23 March 2025.

Into the Woods

Planting trees has become a popular project for local and national governments all around the world to combat climate change and to increase biodiversity. This simple objective contributed to expanding, regenerating and rewilding large natural areas, and creating diverse and healthy carbon-storing ecosystems. At the same time, there are also many reasons to radically green our urban areas: trees capture CO2 and clean the air, they cool down our cities, they can help regulate ecosystems, they improve our health and give people a sense of well-being. In this workshop we will follow an ecological and hands-on approach and used the natural reproductivity of nature by harvesting and replanting seedlings. We will create our own micro forest, taking a layered approach starting from the soil up to the top of the trees, while specifically looking at the biodiverse value of what we are planting and what a new forest needs to survive. Taking place between 14 - 23 March 2025. More info here

An intensive three-month course on contemporary urbanism. 07 April - 27 June 2025. Apply before 28 February 2025

This is Tomorrow 2025

Designed for (young) professionals of all “urban” backgrounds, "This is Tomorrow” looks at Rotterdam as something of a frontline in the struggle for social and ecological justice and equality in the capitalist world. Many of Rotterdam’s issues are also global issues. As a school we are therefore challenged to shine a light on how the city works and plays its part, and how we can use research, design, planning, urban strategies, and architecture to change things for the better. The programme begins with an exploration of Rotterdam’s visible and hidden dynamics, followed by three thematic blocks: Migration, Climate Change, and Right to the City. These themes examine the experiences of temporary migrants, the global ecological impact of the port, and the potential of urban protest.

The programme operates on a four-day workweek (Monday–Thursday). Applications, including a motivation letter, CV, and portfolio, must be submitted by 28 February 2025. more info here

A three-week education studio on migration in Rotterdam. 21 April - 08 May 2025


In this education studio we will be exploring the lives of temporary residents of Rotterdam. From seasonal workers in Westland's greenhouses or the logistic warehouses, to international students pursuing a master's degree at one of the universities. And from undocumented migrants who live on the street and struggle to survive, to rich expats who are welcomed with open arms. We will do reconnaissance missions in a number of buildings that were specifically designed and built for travellers of different kinds: the asylum seekers centre, the labour migrant hostel, the exclusive enclave for expats and the international student hotel. We will investigate these temporary communities and see which role they play in local and global networks, mapping out their inner social, spatial and architectural workings, as well as the political and financial structures that have created them. - This workshop is part of our This is Tomorrow programme, but also offered as a stand-alone workshop. More info soon.

A three-week education studio on the Anthropocene. 12 - 30 May 2025.

To See the World in a Soybean

A three-week education studio unravelling the global impact of the Rotterdam port through one specific product: the soybean. In this block we will map and unravel the global impact of the Rotterdam port, meaning the societal and environmental impact that is not only produced by the port itself, but also by those parties and productions that it’s indirectly responsible for up and down its value chain. To really understand how our local economy is entangled with the world, we will focus on one specific product - the soybean - and see how Rotterdam’s harbour and its affiliated network of businesses are directly tied to the destruction of rainforests, the industrial scale production of cheap meat, and the exploitation of human and natural capital all over the world. We will highlight stories that expose the often-hidden impact of this trade, from the transshipment of goods to their consumption, and the resulting effects on communities and the environment. Eventually we will speculate on spatial, social and ecological scenarios that arise when moving towards a meatless society. - This workshop is part of our This is Tomorrow programme, but also offered as a stand-alone workshop. More info soon.

A three-week education studio, on the Right to the City with Loom - practice for cultural transformation. 02 - 20 June 2025.

Protest in the City

In this education studio we will look at public space as a place for protest together with Loom - practice for cultural transformation. We will regard activism as a discipline that involves revealing facts, building narratives and creating real-world impact. Whether it is the fossil fuelled industry or the bankrupt housing system, Rotterdam has plenty of battles to be fought that resonate over the globe. In these weeks we will identify an urgent issue, create a counter position, and design a strategy to challenge it while proposing an alternative solution. Drawing inspiration from past and present generations of activists, we will explore how to design blockades, barricades, banners, legal tactics, and social media memes, squatting operations, and consumer strikes—using whatever tools are necessary to drive change. - This workshop is part of our This is Tomorrow programme, but also offered as a stand-alone workshop. More info soon.
