Reporting space time and everyday life Film Club
Future Made in Holland
The documentary and debate of the screening focus on the legacy of past spatial and engineering projects and the future perspectives these empower in citizens. Screening: Terug naar Nagele by Louis van Gasteren.
Tuesday 7 May 2024, 18:30 - 21:00. Tickets can be reserved here for free.

Reporting space, time and everyday life in the Delta is an itinerant film club that investigates the natural, social, and spatial transitions of the Netherlands before and after the execution of the Delta Works by means of motion pictures.
The documentary and debate of the screening Future Made in Holland focus on the legacy of past spatial and engineering projects and the future perspectives these empower in citizens.
About Terug naar Nagele
Terug naar Nagele is a documentary by Louis van Gasteren about Nagele.
This municipality was created entirely on the drawing board and is an international symbol for the feasible Netherlands. Van Gasteren became fascinated by the Nagele project and followed it from the drawing board and models to the construction of the new municipality.
In 1949, the plan for the new municipality of Nagele in the Noordoostpolder was presented at the seventh congress of the CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne). It was a joint project by a number of Dutch avant-garde architects and urban planners from De 8 and Opbouw, including Aldo van Eyck, Gerrit Rietveld, Cor van Eesteren, Jaap Bakema, Mien Ruys and Mart Stam.
In Terug naar Nagele(2012), Van Gasteren and Joke Meerman return to the village fifty years later to find out what became of Nagele.
About Reporting space, time and everyday life* in the Delta
Reporting ‘space, time and everyday life’ in the Delta is an itinerant film club that focuses on video documentaries to investigate the natural, social, and spatial transitional configuration of the Netherlands before and after the execution of the Delta Works.
Motion pictures show the enormous achievement of technology in modifying nature and controlling water and its movements. Documentaries are used as a subjective instrument to scientifically analyze how specific engineering projects have shaped Dutch society during the last decades.
Main objective of the projects is to re-formulate the connection between climate change, technical solutions, and the impact both may have in the future on space and society through a scientific discourse that uses less-academic means. The thesis is that only by understanding the way technology affected society in the past we may envision how current infrastructure projects will impact our future.
Preliminary Programme
18.30 - door opening
19.00 - screening of Terug naar Nagele, Louis van Gasteren, 2012
20.15 - debate with Roy Bendor [Human-centered Design, TU Delft] and Fransje Hooimeijer [Urbanism, TU Delft] moderated by Luca Iuorio
21.00 - drinks
Edited by Luca Iuorio, Sophia Arbara, Carissa Champlin, Feike Smithuis, Amber Coppens, Merel Garritsen, TU Delft.
The Project is funded by the Climate Action Program and organized within the context of the Delta Urbanism research group, the section of Environmental Technology and Design of the department of Urbanism, TU Delft. The project is run in collaboration with the Eye Filmmuseum of Amsterdam.