School's Out! #47 with Adam Greenfield
School's Out! #47 with writer and urbanist Adam Greenfield. Drinks, tunes and a lecture about practices of mutual care and local power and how they can help us to survive the terrifying reality of climate collapse in our own communities, followed by a short film. Friday 31 January 2025, 18:00 - 22:00

School’s Out! #47 - Adam Greenfield
Every last Friday of the month the Independent School for the City celebrates the start of the weekend with a public lecture. For this edition we have invited writer and urbanist Adam Greenfield to talk about his latest book "Lifehouse: Taking Care of Ourselves in a World on Fire." In this book he explains how practices of mutual care and local power can help us to survive the terrifying reality of climate collapse in our own communities. The lecture is followed by a short film, selected by curator and filmmaker Jord Den Hollander and drinks at the bar.
A Lifehouse is an institution at the heart of each neighbourhood that responds to the terrifying reality of climate collapse in our own communities. In this book Adam Greenfield recovers lessons from the Black Panther survival programs, the astonishingly effective Occupy Sandy disaster-relief effort and the solidarity networks of crisis-era Greece, as well as municipalist Spain and autonomous Rojava, to show how practices of mutual care and local power can help shelter us from a future that often feels like it has no place for us or the values we cherish. It is an urgent and practical guide to community resilience in the face of climate catastrophe.
Lifehouse is both a manifesto and a call to action. It is an invitation to rediscover and nurture our individual and collective capacities that have long been suppressed under late capitalism. Greenfield argues that by building robust networks of mutual support and reimagining local power structures, we can create resilient communities capable of weathering the storms ahead.
18:00 Doors open, drinks bites and tunes
19:00 - 20:15 Presentation by Adam Greenfield + Q&A
20:15 - 20:30 Short film
20:30 - 22:00 Drinks and tunes
About Adam Greenfield
Adam Greenfield has spent the past quarter-century thinking and working at the intersection of technology, design and politics with everyday life. Selected in 2013 as Senior Urban Fellow at the LSE Cities centre of the London School of Economics, he previously taught in New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program and the Urban Design program of the Bartlett, University College London. His books include Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing, Urban Computing and Its Discontents, and the bestsellers Against the Smart City and Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life.